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This version includes breaking change. The align method was renamed to apply and the realign method was renamed as apply. Please update your codebase to reflect this!

  • Remove removed the quick_shifts parameter as it was not really used and the only_shift parameter does the job instead
  • Change the align method was renamed to apply
  • Change the realign method was renamed to align
  • New added compute method which makes it possible to simply calculate the correction factors for signal that was not provided in the array attribute
  • Change the array initialization value can now be None and it's assumed that you plan on using the compute method
  • New added _align and _shift methods that perform the correction methods. These can be handy if you are using the compute method
  • Change all optional parameters are now properties with appropriate data validators


  • New exposed few parameters to the run and align functions, so you can update the init parameters


  • New exposed the post-alignment shift values (which might differ from shift_opt if the quick_align option is used)
  • Improvement tidied up code


  • Change Split the run command of the Aligner class to run (which computes the shift) and align which shifts the input array to the new position.


  • New Changed the structure of the package to be more Object-oriented. Alignment is now wrapped in its own class Aligner which can be directly imported or used like before using from msalign import msalign
  • New Added new shift function which simply shifts signals without interpolation - can be a lot faster but less accurate. Can be accessed by using keyword parameter quick_shift=True or by calling the shift() function
  • Improvement Cleaned-up code and renamed some poorly named variables
  • Change Remove support from Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5


  • New added new keyword parameter align_by_index which when set to True will convert the values of peaks to index based on the input xvals array. This is introduced as I've noticed that sometimes when aligning to float values the alignment is not optimal
  • Improvement added more tests to the tests suite


  • Fix #5 small bug that prevented correct alignment of the MS example
  • New added new keyword parameter 'return_shifts' which when set to True will return the aligned data and the vector containing shift parameters
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